So there, I had no marriage, no business. What would you do if you were me? Pack your tail between your legs and go back home, that’s what. I was close to my father because, growing up as the third child, my mom would leave me with him as she went to the farm.
Father, he had lost his military job in Nanyuki after the 1982 coup and had come to the village to start from nothing. I had a very happy childhood but going back to the village wasn’t something easy for me to do. And so when I arrived in 2012, on a chilly morning, carrying a five-month-old baby and two massive bags with all my life’s possession, I felt like I had failed myself and my parents. For the next few months, I did chores the whole day and helped my mother in the shamba. One day, I read in the newspaper that quail egg business was doing well. I built a wooden structure and I started with 100 quails, then 1,000 more quails.